Dawood's Portfolio

M.S. Student in Computer Engineering at NYU Tandon.


Brooklyn, NYC 🍎

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Hello there! πŸ‘‹πŸ½

I am a M.S. student in Computer Engineering at New York University, Tandon School of Engineering. I am actively seeking software and hardware development summer internship roles.

I hold a B.S. in Computer Engineering from Iowa State University. In 2022, I was a part of the Wu Tsai Institute Summer Scholars program where I worked with Liang Lab in the Department of Neuroscience to implement a convolutional neural network model to identify spatial and temporal features of neural structures from functional imaging data.

Additionally, in previous summers, I have worked as a Network Engineering Intern at PrairieOaks LLC, a rural nonprofit in Iowa, designing and implementing wireless networking infastructure at multiple sites on their property. I continued work post-graduation for a new expansion and finalization of the overall project.

I operate largely in interdisciplinary realms. I seek to develop software and hardware solutions that have application-based human impact. If you’re interested in these applied directions, please contact me!

New York flag Iowa flag


Mar 15, 2023 Incoming graduate student at NYU Tandon! The next chapter begins. ✨ Stand clear of the closing doors please.
Dec 18, 2022 Graduated from Iowa State University! 🏫